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Choosing to Trek Gorillas Either in Uganda or Rwanda

Gorillas trekking in Uganda or in Rwanda

Trekking gorillas offers a lifetime memorable experience as you visit these endangered species in their natural bedding. Mountain gorillas are only remained in Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Majority of tourists visit this region only to track these endangered primates that are said to be sharing almost 80% of their DNA with human beings.
Choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda and Rwanda will depend on various reasons ranging from individual, practicability and the cost that incur.

Though both countries have similar gorillas species and similar geographical location and same gorilla numbers, both countries also have some other distinctions that can serve as a base for choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda. Though it is not easy to differentiate both country’s experiences, we will try to elaborate more on each country’s uniqueness and each country’s experience offered to gorilla trekkers.

In Rwanda a gorilla permit price is 1500 US $, it is more expensive compared to Uganda where the permit is 800 US$. However tourists have shown to favor the choice of Rwanda when trekking gorillas advancing various reasons as a base of their choice. Visitors opt to visit gorilla in Rwanda and feel not bothered by the high price as the Government of Rwanda is using the same money to strengthen the gorillas conservation efforts as well as investing in the wellbeing of the community around the park like building schools, hospitals, clean water and shelters to vulnerable families and funding small income generating businesses of local.

Choosing to Trek Gorillas Either in Uganda or Rwanda

Rwanda is a very clean, secure and well-organized country which assures visitors of a comfortable stay. In Rwanda, the country a tourist is ensured of his/her security. You can travel at any time of the day whether in a car or on foot, either during the day or in the night. This also applies to accommodations and other services. Travel distances are relatively small, the distance is only tow hour drive from the Kigali International Airport to Musanze city from which the gorilla trekking takes place and roads in general are good.

Another factor that can be based on when choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda is the number of luxury lodges around the Volcano National park on the side of Rwanda.

These lodges include Wilderness Safaris Bisate Lodge, One &Only’s Nyungwe Lodge, Gorilla Nest as well as Singita Kwitonda. These lodges attract tourists who want to stay in luxury lodges while on their trekking tour.

Choosing to Trek Gorillas Either in Uganda or Rwanda will depend on other attractions that can be combined with the gorilla trekking. In Rwanda tourists may choose to also do the golden monkey also available in Volcanoes National Park, hiking Bisoke, Muhabura or Karisimbi mountains all in the same National park or do other activities around the park including cultural and community encounters, kayaking or boat riding in the twin lakes or visiting the Musanze cave. They may also opt to add a visit to either or both Nyungwe rain forest or Akagera National Park.

Nyungwe National Park is known for the Chimpanzee and 13 more primate species, the famous canopy walk which is a suspended bridge in the air that allows people to explore the forest and its surroundings from top tree view and from a distance.

Bird watching also can be another option in Nyungwe National Park. In Akagera National Park the visitor will be able to do a game drive in search for the big five that this savanna park is known for. The reintroduction of lions and rhinos after they have disappeared for so long, has attracted tourists to visit Akagera game drive in addition to Gorilla trekking.

When choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda, Uganda On the other hand, is also another country that is visited by tourists in search of gorillas. Trekking gorillas in Uganda would be a good choice for trekkers who are looking for a more challenging and adventurous trek as the terrain in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest as well as Mgahinga are slippery as it rains much in the region even in dry season, with a lot of vegetation which is the genesis of impenetrable forest naming. In Bwindi, gorillas cover a large territory meaning that it can take many hours before you reach an assigned gorilla group.

The time of trekking Uganda varies between 2 hours up to nine hours depending on the movement of the gorilla group while in Rwanda the trekking time varies between one hour to 6 hours. So the tourist would also consider how much time he has when choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda.

Rwanda Discounted gorilla trekking in the Volcanoes National park

When choosing to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda the price is also one to look at, though Uganda has a less elaborated infrastructure, it offers competitive prices. A gorilla permit is 700USD for a person to trek gorillas. It also offers a variety of accommodation ranging from budget, mid- range and luxury facilities around the park. Trekking gorillas in Uganda can be combined with other activities, the most booked being chimpanzee trekking in Kibale and community experience with indigenous people called “Batwa”.

It would be easy for a tourist who wants to add on another activity, his/her additional choice will help in choosing to trek gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda. Apart from factors that can depend on each one’s preference and finance, trekking gorillas in either Uganda or Rwanda depend on the availability of gorilla trekking permits. Trekking gorillas is a very regulated activity with limited trekking permits per day.

Currently Rwanda has only 12 habituated gorilla groups while Uganda has 14 groups. Each group is visited by a group not exceeding 8 people and a group is only visited once a day. If a decision on where to trek gorillas either in Uganda or Rwanda, is not taken and booked in advance, by the time you are going to trek your choice will depend on the availability of the trekking permits.

All in all, these are different factors to consider when choosing to trek gorillas either in Rwanda or Uganda. If the budget is a concern to you, Uganda would be a good choice. But if you are looking for a safaris mixed up with leisure and comfort Rwanda will be your next destination. a number of tourists have opted to visit gorillas in both countries to have experience from both countries.

To make sure that you diligently have a suitable choice of trekking gorillas either in Uganda find a reliable tour operator to help you. Tour consultants at Unique Rwanda Vacations Experts will be available to help you have a good choice that best fits with your plan. All you need is to book your next tour with us and let us cater for all your logistics from designing your itinerary, booking gorilla permit, accommodation as well as transport.

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