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Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking

Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking

Gorilla trekking is a wildlife adventure that attract a big number of tourists who visits the East Africa. Gorilla are endangered species living in the massive volcanoes located in the area shared between Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). These creatures are unique and special as due to their resemblance with human being in shape, posture, behaviour and their living conditions are very close to the way we, human being live.

Researches have shown that gorillas share almost 98% of their DNA with human being. This resemblance attracts a lot of tourists from all around the world to trek these majestic creatures. The activity involves visiting gorillas in their natural habitat to experience their way of living. It is also worth noting that there are only around 1000 gorillas in the world and only found in the above mentioned countries.

A number of Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking. We have tried to respond to some of the frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking.

Which is the best country to trek gorilla either Uganda, Rwanda or the DRC

Among the frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking includes knowing which country to trek from. The answer will vary depending on individual preference since all the three countries have habituated gorillas to be visited by human beings, procedure being the same and the trekking terrain almost similar. Some few factors will help to decide where to trek gorillas. For tourists who like luxury and comfort the good choice will be to trek from Rwanda.


The tour duration in Rwanda is also small as you can land in the country and trek the following day and fly out. This is different in Uganda and Congo as you will have arrival day, the following day travel to the trekking point and trek on the third day.

This is said when you are using ground transportation. It will be different if you are using helicopter or flight charters as you may fly to the trekking point and have a shorter trekking. Another important factor to consider when choosing the best country to trek from gorilla either in Uganda, Rwanda and the DRC is the budget. When you are trekking gorillas on budget the best option will be to Uganda since the permit is only 700$ while in Rwanda it is 1500$ for an individual gorilla trekking permit.

When you are looking for a more adventurous trekking you can opt for the Democratic Republic of Congo but security is a concern and services are not well organized. Nowadays in Congo the gorilla trekking is conducted KAHUZI BIYEGA national Park located in Bukavu the south east of Congo as the side of Nyiragongo National park located in north east of the country is facing the war.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gorilla Trekking

How difficult is it to trek gorillas is also frequently asked about gorilla trekking?

Trekking gorillas is sometimes physically demanding as you need to hike in rough terrain and cold weather to reach gorillas location. The trek may take between 2 to 6 hours, depending on the proximity of the assigned gorilla group. But arrangements can be made to older people and those who have mobility issues and are not fit for such travel. There are some gorilla families that are not far from the departing point that may be assigned to trekkers with fitness issues.

Also porters are available for hire to help trekkers with difficulties either by carrying their backpacks, have a helping hand to march or even offer transportation in traditional cushions.

How much time to spend with gorillas

Another question among the frequently asked questions about gorilla trekking in how much time is spent with gorillas. A gorilla trekking permit allows one to stay with gorillas for one hour once you have reached the gorilla family location. During this time, you sit down and watch how gorillas live, how they feed, how organized are in a family and how they behave.

This is also an opportune time and take as much pictures as you want to keep the memories of this memorable experience. During your stay with gorillas, a 7 meters’ distance is requested to be left to them in order to not bother them. They may sometimes come closer to you when moving but you don’t need to worry since they are not aggressive and  habituated to the presence of humans. All you need is to stand quietly, observe them or take pictures. It is prohibited to touch them, tease them, make noise or do any hand sign to them.

Another question of the mostly asked questions about gorilla trekking is the best time to trek gorillas?

gorilla babies



Gorilla trekking can be done any time of the year. But the dry season will be better as the terrain will be less slippery and muddy as opposed to rainy seasons. Dry seasons last from December to February and from June to September each year.

On the list of the mostly asked questions about gorilla trekking is how to get a gorilla permit?

When planning to trek gorillas, you need to book your trekking permit in advance about 3 to 5 months before the trekking time. This is because the trekking permit are limited in number per day. For instance, in Rwanda only 96 gorilla trekking permits are issued per day and are on a first come first serve basis.

What to carry when going to trek gorillas is also listed among frequently asked question

Trekking gorillas in the wilderness require some levels of preparedness. You will need clothes that protect your arms and legs from thorns and nettles as well as hiking shoes. A rain jacket is also important as it may rain any time of the day in the volcanoes. Enough drinking water and snacks will also be good. Do not forget to bring a camera and a strong battery to take pictures to keep pictures of important moments of this lifetime experience.

How much does a gorilla permit cost is one of if not the most asked questions about gorilla trekking?

The prices for gorilla trekking differ depending on the trekking country and nationality. In Rwanda a gorilla permit is 1500$ while in Uganda it is 700$ and 400$ in DRC. Some discounts are applied and they are seasonal. Tour operators always are good to refer to when booking a gorilla permit.

How do I get the permit is the last question on our list of the mostly asked questions about gorilla trekking

The gorilla trekking permits are provided by Tourism authorities from those countries. A reliable tour operator will help you book the permit. Using a tour operator is important since the permit doesn’t include transportation to and from the park entrance, accommodation and other logistics therefore s/he will also be the one to organize all of these other ground logistics for you and keep you updated until the day of the trekking. Unique Rwanda Vacation Experts are available to your gorilla trekking experience leaves you with good memories. Just send your booking request and leave us with the rest of the work.

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