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Canopy Walk Experience in Nyungwe Forest National Park

Canopy Walk in Nyungwe

The Canopy Walk Experience in Nyungwe Forest National Park is a really popular tourist activity that tourists visiting Rwanda like to experience. Nyungwe Forest National Park is situated in the south west of Rwanda, 255km from the capital Kigali, and Nyungwe Forest National Park lies in the southwestern corner of Rwanda.

The park has a remarkable diversity of wildlife including 13 species of primates, more than 300 species of birds, 85 mammals, over 1000 plant species, 32 amphibian and 38 reptile species. Many of the species are endemic to the Albertine Rift region within which the forest lies, and the nearest town is Cyangugu, 54 km away at the shore of the beautiful Lake Kivu. Nyungwe Forest is an acclaimed chimpanzee trekking destination, but it’s also home to East Africa’s only Canopy Walkway.

The famous ‘Canopy Walk’ is from the entrance that is 30 minutes further ahead from the 1st gate, after the town.

Take another perspective into the untouched rainforest canopy, walking upon the wildlife and centuries old treetops. And what a thrill it is!

Add to that the adrenaline kick of the 60 meters high canopy walkway, and well – you have the adventure to remember!

The walkway of length 200 meters hangs across a steep and deep valley filled with thick forest. The Canopy Walk offers breathtaking views across the misty forest, and sightings at eye-level, of a number of unique wildlife inhabiting the canopies.

The Canopy Walk activity takes close to 2 hours, the start and end point being at the Nyungwe National Park headquarters – the Uwinka tourist reception center. The first about 200 meters is a walk along a forest trail under the thick canopies for a chance to observe the ground level nature before taking on the canopy walkway to access the top level of the forest. Notable sightings include several monkeys such as L’Hoest’s Monkeys, Blue Monkeys, Black-and-white Colobus, Red-tailed Monkeys, and lots of birds.

Contact us to know more about Canopy Walk Experience in Nyungwe Forest National Park.

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