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Murchison Falls National Park is the Uganda’s largest National Park located in North West of Uganda, spreading inland from the shores of Lake Albert, around the Victoria Nile up to the Karuma Falls. Murchison Falls National Park sites on an area of about 5072 square kilometres that combined with the contiguous Karuma and Bugungu wildlife reserves that straddles the Ugandan districts of Bulisa, Nwoya, Kiryandongo, and Masindi. Murchison Falls National Park is bisected by the Victoria Nile from east to west for a distance of about 115 kilometres (71 miles)where the waters of the Nile flow through a narrow gorge only 7 metres (23 feet) wide before plunging 43 metres (141 feet). This 45m plunge drains the largest the last of the river’s energy transforming the torrent into a broad, placid stream that flows quietly across the rift valley floor towards Lake Albert, and it also on the location of largest power station known as Karuma power station of about 600 megawatt.

Murchison Falls National Park

Wild Mammals in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls Conservation Area and the adjacent Budongo Forest Reserve have 76 species of mammals as well as Uganda’s largest population of Nile crocodiles with the big five animals include lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and buffalo with other so many wild animals where some are mostly spots on riverbanks include elephants, giraffes and buffaloes; while hippos and Nile crocodiles which offers you the most amazing experience to see while on boat cruise. Along the banks of the Nile and within the waters you will observe lots of hippos and crocodiles among other resident creatures. There also several primates in the Murchison falls National Park including baboons and several monkey species. Murchison Falls National Park is the only park, aside from Kidepo and Lake Mburo, where giraffe are found in Uganda and the rare Patas monkey sometimes can be spotted on the grassy plains. Chimpanzee tracking is one of the most exciting primates tracking adventure in Budongo forest in Murchison Falls National Park.

Bird Species in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is in third position of the Uganda’s National Park for bird life with about 450 bird species are present, including a variety of water foowl such as the rare shoe-billed stork, Budongo’s 59 “restricted range” species, dwarf kingfisher, Goliath heron, white – thighed horn bill, and great blue turaco, Saddle-billed Stork, Sacred Ibis, Spur-winger Geese, Black Crake, Grey-crowned Crane, Blue-naped Moosebird, Spotted Morning Thrush, NothernCrombec and so many anthers. Murchison Falls National Park is also home to 23 Albertine rift endemics given its location in the western arm of the east African rift valley. Our Murchison falls birding safaris allow you see many of these bird species with the help of our expert guides.

What to do and see in Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park has diverse of activities, the scenery beautiful, and the wildlife which are amazing to see the big five animals include lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, and buffalo with other so many wild animals.

Hiking top of the fall

Hiking top of the Murchison Falls starts from the bottom and it takes you through the long hike of about 45 to 1 hour which is life changing experience, the falls is characterized by an eternal struggle between rock and water. The waters violently compress through a narrow gorge, spraying misty droplets along their wake over a 50m radius, creating a permanent rainbow over the battlefield, while maintaining a continuous roar. From Baker Point on the southern side, you can also view the Nile splitting into the smaller Uhuru Falls, created in 1962 when the river burst its banks.

River Nile

River Nile is Africa longest river in the world and its starts its journey from Jinja town flowing in to Mediterranean. River Nile bisecting the park into two the north and south sector the Nile flows from east to south and is home to many aquatic birds, the giant Nile crocodiles and the hippopotamuses. Source of the Nile a boat ride along the Nile to the foot of Murchison Falls is a rewarding experience for nature lovers, as the northern bank teems with a variety of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Guided nature walks along both the north and south banks are another refreshing activity, and sport fishing is also possible here.

Nile – Lake Albert Delta

Lake Albert Delta is calm stretch of water, where the tranquil Victoria Nile flows into Lake Albert, is a key area for bird watchers. Its papyrus-lined banks are bursting with bird life, including Goliath Herons, Great Egrets, and African Fish Eagles. The most sought-after species here is the rare Shoe bill.

Buligi Game Tracks

Buligi Game Tracks stretching between the Victoria and Albert Nile making Murchison Falls the most popular safari destination in Uganda. At around 120-170km in length, they pass through open savannah grassland, woodland, acacia, and Riverine vegetation and such animals including warthogs bush bucks, elephants, lions, giraffes, Rothschild, bush bucks, buffalos, leopards, hyenas and many more and the most fantastic way of viewing this bird life is by taking a hot air ballooning safari, this will expose you many wildlife at the Nile Plains alongside being monitored by theirs predators. Most of the park’s game can be viewed here, especially during early morning and early evening tours.


Paraa is the starting point for boat trip to the falls and the Delta and the sites of the Vehicle ferry cross. The word Paraa comes from the local Luo language meaning, “home of hippos,” and this is where all the park’s access roads converge as the northern and southern banks are connected by a passenger ferry. A number of hotels and safari lodges are located nearby. There is also a museum and gift shop, which can be found on the northern bank. It also happens to be where most of the game drives launch trips and nature walks take place.

Visit Karuma Falls

Visit Karuma Falls Karuma Falls is found in the north-eastern side of Murchison Falls National Park in the Chobe region. It is a great location for sport fishing in Murchison Falls. Karuma Falls is one of the most stunning attractions while visiting the Murchison falls National Park, The Karuma Falls comprise of a sequence of natural good locking rock formations all the way at the base of the Victoria Nile, within this place, and these result into the waters of the great River Nile to ripple, offering the Nile an appearance of stunning white foam. The falls are situated at the place where the main road of Masindi-Gulu crosses the great river Nile, about 110 km northeast of the town of Masindi and only 70 km south of the town of Gulu. The name Karuma was derived from a local word to mean “great spirit” the locals believe that a strong spirit positioned the rocks and the water to flow. The best accommodation in this area is Chobe Safari Lodge.

Fishing at Murchison Falls

Fishing is available in the river above and below the fall. A visitor comes with your own fishing equipment if you’re interested in finishing. Examples of fish available in the river to catch are Nile perch, tiger fish and more.

Kaniyo Pabidi Forest

Kaniyo Pabidi Forest is located in the south of Murchison falls conservation area and is home to habituation chimp group that can be trucked with experienced guides and is also home to black-and-white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, and olive baboon troops. Other wildlife that visits include elephants, buffaloes, lions, and leopards Kaniyo Pabidi Forest is also a place of paradise for bird watchers including the chocolate-backed kingfisher, white – thighed horn bill and Puvel’silladopsis, which cannot be found anywhere else in East Africa. Kaniyo Pabidi has a campsite, cottage accommodation, forest walks, and excellent bird watching.

Visit Forest

Rabongo Forest Murchison Falls National Park Uganda Safari takes beneath the jutting Murchison stone ledge, Drive through the Savannah plains for one and half hours from the lodge in the Park to the place that was marked and explored by the great explorers John Speke and James Grant. Tree Species in Rabongo Forest surrounded by savannah and covering just 4km2, Rabongo Forest is considered a birding paradise, mostly owing to the diversity of endangered species found here. Rabongo is ideal for educational tours as it provides opportunities to identify animals, birds, medicinal plants, and trees. For relaxation, visitors can camp and enjoy picnics by the Wairingo River.

Hot air balloon Safari in Murchison Falls National Park

Hot air balloon Safari in Murchison Falls National Park is a kind of activity one would love to participate in since it goes as high as 10000ft, above the sea level. It takes place in morning as sun rises, this is the best optional to see wild animals in their natural environment before goes for food, you will be able to have a great view of the Savannah below you teaming with all kinds of wildlife animals such as Elephants, buffalos, lion, giraffes and not forgetting the famous River Nile, Lake Albert and Victoria Nile. Balloon Safari last for one hour while in air enjoying the stunning view and photos for remembrance it’s kind of lifetime experience which comes with great experience in life

In such after unique experience, you will have the bush breakfast experience in wild environment with bottle of champagne and participation certificate. Whereas in the evening sunset Balloon safari, it comes with only a participation certificate only

The minimum age for this adventure is 6 years but children below this age can do it under the guidance of an adult, preferably a parent.

Visit Budongo Forest

Budongo central Forest Reserve which located within the boundaries of Murchison Falls National Park and is the largest survival natural forest in Uganda which sits atop the Albertine Rift, part of the Great Rift Valley. Budongo forest is drained by 4 tinny rivers which are Waisoke, Sonso, Bubwa, plus Wake that empty into the Lake Albert and it has 5 major forest types which include: swamp-forest, mixed, Cynometra-mixed, colonizing plus the Cynometra, which is contiguous with the KaniyoPabidi Forest, known for chimpanzee tracking. above all, this has led to the ideal place for bird watching in Budongo forest with over 360 species of birds are recorded in the total area, including the rare Puval’sIlladopses which is endemic to the region. Others include the Chocolate-backed Kingfisher and with 24 species of mammals, 290 butterfly species, 130 Moths species, and 465 tree species.

Chimpanzee Tracking

Budongo Forest is an excellent spot to track chimpanzees while visiting Murchison Falls Park. The success rate in seeing Chimpanzees is quite high here and only outdone by Kibale Forest. There are morning and afternoon chimpanzee tracking times and for those visiting Murchison Falls National Park this can be done on the way to or from Murchison Falls National Park adding another activity to your safari there. The ideal plan would be to stay overnight and also does a forest walk while at Budongo Forest.  Do not forget that you can add on Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary where you track Rhinos on foot on your return trip to Kampala.

Guided Nature Walks

Murchison Falls National Park opens you nature walks to explore the wild on foot while in Murchison Falls Conservation area with different trails within the park such as at Paraa winds throughout low hills, gullies and forest around the river and nature walks happen at top of the falls. Guided nature walks in Kaniyo Pabidi can be taken here through woodland and savannah terrain. Unknown to most visitors wildlife can be seen here on Nature walks and Hikes since Budongo Forest is part of the Murchison Falls Wildlife Reserve and animals enter the park, some to live here, others visit and return to their regular habitat. You can spot wildlife licking salt in the forest clearings. Large mammals also wander into this part of park such as Elephants, Lions, Buffaloes and Leopards. A guided nature walk does not endanger you in any way, no one has ever been hurt here and you are with armed rangers.

Night Walk

The guided night walk will introduce to you night sounds and sensations you did not know existed! This is an experience you cannot exclude from your activities on the sanctuary. There are many nocturnal animals and who knows what you might bump into. The recommended times is 20:30pm to 23:00pm. The lasting time is approximately 2 hours and half. Doing night walk one needs to have closed shoes, water, long pants, insect repellent and a flashlight with armed ranger guide from the Park

Game Drives

The park is also composed of woodland, wetland, savannah as well as the tropical forest that is well known to be a habitant for different bird species and mammals. Among the mammals, many can be spotted including the lions, hippopotamuses, Rothschild’s giraffe, warthog, Cape buffalo, Uganda Kob, Jackson’s – hartebeest and elephants. Game drives take place early in the morning and a tourist is able to see plenty of game. At Nyamsika Cliffs is where one can enjoy a picnic, the view and gaze at elephants and other wildlife on the green grassy hillsides and river below. Game drives are exquisite when accompanied by a tour guide. The best time for game drive is during the dry season.

Night game drive

The night game drive in Murchison falls gives you an opportunity to see traditionally nocturnal animals like the leopard, hyena, hippo, porcupine, genets, civets, bush babies, various reptiles, owls and night jars. At Nyamsika Cliffs is where one can enjoy scenery the view and gaze at elephants and other wildlife on the green grassy hillsides and river below.

Boat Cruise

The Launch trip begins at Paraa landing area at the point where River Nile enters into Lake Albert and takes you to the bottom of the falls. While on the cruise you will sight hippos, water bucks, crocodiles, buffaloes and elephants. You will also see water birds such as cormorants, Fish eagles, ducks, Kingfishers, bee-eaters and the shoe bill. The cruise is between 9am and 2pm daily however exceptional schedules can be arranged with the park management. Cruise takes you for 17Km from the bottom of the falls at Paraa for 3hours. Cruise from Paraa to River Delta is 28km and takes about 4-5hours. Fishing is available in the river above and below the fall. Do bring your own fishing equipment if you’re interested in finishing. Examples of fish available in the river to catch are Nile perch, tiger fish and more

Birding watching

Budongo Forest is one of the top areas in Uganda for those interested in birding safaris. Birders will find Budongo literally a paradise with its 360 plus species of birds.  Bird Species commonly seen between Paraa Rest Camp and Ferry crossing are; Spotted Mourning Thrush, Vitelline Masked Weaver, Silver Bird, Bluff-bellied Warbler, Blue-napped Mouse bird, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-weaver Black-headed Gonolek, Green-winged Ptyilia, and Black-headed Batis, this is the best site for the localized White-rumped Seed-eater.Common Nocturnal Species in the area include: Verreaux’s owls, Night jars such as long tailed and Pennat-winged night jar which usually is watched between the months of March – September. Also available is the amazing standard-winged night jar watched from November to February. Other bird species include: African Skimmer, White African fish eagle, long-toed plover, Gray Crowned crane, Goliath Heron and more

Culture Encounter

Culture trip takes you to Mubako perform around lodge camp-fire making for magical African experience at dusk Boomu women’s group offers accommodation, a craft shop and village tours revealing the realities of the life in this rural community.

Visit Lake Albert

Lake Albert is located in north western Uganda between Uganda and in the Albertine Rift and is one of the African Great Lakes in African few kilometres from Murchison Falls National Park. The major activity on Lake Albert is fishing and the Nile perch is the major fishing species caught on the Lake. Lake Albert starches from Uganda to Democratic Republic of the Congo making it Africa’s seventh-largest lake and the world’s twenty –seventh largest lakes sourced by Semuliki River and Victoria Nile.

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