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Shoebill Stork Visit at Mabamba Wetland

Shoebill Visit at Mabamba

Shoebill Stork Visit at Mabamba Wetland is a popular tourist activity loved by bird watching enthusiasts in Uganda. Mabamba Bay is a unique extensive marsh stretching through along narrow bay, fringed with papyrus towards the main body of Lake Victoria. It forms part of Buwaya Bay South-west of Nakiwogo Bay both of which are located in the west of Entebbe International Airport. It lies between Busi Island and Buwaya / Zziba village on the mail land. This is a must-see if you like birds. The boat man and the guide will help you to be able to see a shoebill plus other abundance of wonderful and beautiful birds.

Day tour to Mabamba Wetland

Our guide picks you up from your hotel or place of residence early in the morning, transfer to Mabamba Swamp. This is the best place to spot the rare shoebill. It takes about an hour by road via Nakawuka-Kasanje. Birding is done on traditional canoe; the wetlands are home to a variety of different bird species.   A canoe ride through papyrus swamp will take you at the best spot of spotting the Shoebill bird among other rare Africa birds like the Malachite Kingfisher, African Jacana, and Saddle – billed Stork, among others. Return to your hotel or place of residence for overnight stay. End of service.

Note: You can also make an extension of visiting the Mabamba Wetland upon completion of your Gorilla trekking Safari or your wildlife safari in Uganda before you flight out of Entebbe Airport. This is one of the most unique birding safari encounter in Africa

The safari package will include

-Private safari 4wd fuelled safari vehicle

-Services of English speaking driver/guide
-Entrance fees
-Canoe ride for birding
-Birding guide

Price Excludes: – Tips to local guides,  Porterage ,Personal insurance cover,  Soft or alcoholic drinks or mineral water ,  Items of a personal nature,  any meals not indicated above, any tours not mentioned from the itinerary above.

Contact us to know more about the Shoebill Stork Visit at Mabamba Wetland.

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